Issachah Savage LIVE recital! 2 performances - 6pm or 7:30pm
Hosted by Classical Movements -choose 6 pm or 7:30pm, The Secret Garden at the Rectory on Princess Street. Register here:

Aug 15, 2020, 6:00 PM
711 Princess St, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
You have a unique opportunity to hear AWP alumnus Issachah Savage in a live, socially-distanced performance on Saturday, August 15 in Alexandria. Hosted by Classical Movements in the garden of their offices on Princess Street, the ambitious program will feature excerpts from Die Walküre and Otello and a diverse selection of Italian, German, and American art songs. Issachah will be accompanied by pianist Joy Schreier.
Issachah is well known to our members, particularly since his live interview on our May 14 webinar. He has received critical acclaim for his performances throughout Europe and North America, which include not only operas by Wagner and Verdi, but operas and choral works by composers such as Richard Strauss, Beethoven, Mahler, Gershwin, and Kurt Weill. Among other accolades, he received the Seattle Opera’s International Wagner Award in 2014.
Classical Movements is the premier concert tour company for the world’s great orchestras and choirs, creating meaningful cultural experiences through music in 145 countries. An industry leader for over a quarter-century, Classical Movements organizes more than 60 tours every year, and produces some 200 concerts every season, including two international choral festivals. This summer, they are presenting “Sounds of Hope and Harmony,” a series of 18 one-hour concerts with limited tickets for socially-distanced audiences.
Issachah will offer performances at 6 pm and 7:30 pm on August 15. The complete program and tickets are available here, along with detailed information about social distancing and sanitation practices. The event will be held in the Secret Garden of the Rectory on Princess Street, 711 Princess Street, Alexandria, VA 22313. Street parking is available for free, on some streets for 2 and some for 3 hours. King St. Metro station is the nearest and a free shuttle bus runs every 20 minutes to the corner of King St. and Washington St. From there it is a short three-block walk to Princess St.)