More resources to enjoy at your leisure.
Saul Lilienstein Commentaries on Wagner
While so many opera performances and events have been postponed or moved online, Maestro Saul Lilienstein has generously permitted us to share his commentaries on several of Wagner's operas.
Wagner Institute at Miami Classical Music Festival
2022 production of Das Rheingold is available to watch on Vimeo! This is a wonderful opportunity to see young Wagnerian singers. With the exception of the role of Mime, all singers are performing their roles for the first time. In-depth training was provided by the wonderful Wagner veterans Dolora Zajick and Luana DeVol who also run our American Wagner Project.
Parsifal Lectures
Saul Lilienstein's commentary
Jeffrey Swann and Simon Williams' lectures from the 2017 WIldnis weekend.
Jeffrey Swann's 2018 lecture at the Wagner Society of New York.
Memorable quotes on Wagner and Parsifal.
The Met's playbill from the 2013 performance.
Parsifal in Italian! RAI, 1950, with Maria Callas as Kundry! (see the notes on the YouTube page - one of the discs was uploaded twice.)
Twilight of the Gods film
A fascinating film by Julian Doyle, Twilight of the Gods explores the rift in the relationship between Nietzsche and Wagner. The majority of the text is comprised of direct translations of their writings. Read more about the film on Julian Doyle's website. Or, as of this writing, stream it on Amazon Prime.
Opera and Wagner-themed Web Sites
Want to explore? Here are some sites that have gotten our attention:
The Wagner Journal - a scholarly publication issued 3 times per year: http://www.thewagnerjournal.co.uk/index.html
For an in-depth analysis of The Ring: https://www.wagnerheim.com/
A website featuring performance, book, recording reviews of Wagner-related items: http://www.the-wagnerian.com/
A blog featuring Wagner-related topics for discussion: https://www.thewagnerblog.com/
This one speaks for itself: https://www.wagner-heavymetal.com/
Other Wagner Societies in North America
Wagner Society of New York: https://wagnersocietyny.org/
Boston Wagner Society: https://www.bostonwagnersociety.org/
Wagner Society of Cincinnati: https://wagnersocietycincinnati.org/
Wagner Society of Northern California: https://www.wagnersf.org/
Wagner Society of Southern California: http://www.wagnersociety.us/
Triangle Wagner Society: https://trianglewagnersociety.com/
Wagner Society of the Upper Midwest: https://wagnertc.org/
Toronto Wagner Society: https://torontowagnersociety.ca/
The Wagner Society of America (Chicago): http://www.wagnersocietyofamerica.org/index.html
International Association of Richard Wagner Societies: https://www.richard-wagner.org/rwvi/en/
Stream opera for free!
These sites stream operas for free:
Operavision: https://operavision.eu/
Arte.tv: https://www.arte.tv/en/videos/RC-016485/arte-opera-season/
Bachtrack - a wonderful resource for keeping up on which opera companies will be streaming their productions free of charge: https://bachtrack.com/